
Film Celebs Avoid New Numbers

By - February 27, 2015 - 10:54 AM IST

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Your general tendency when you miss taking a call or see a new number is to receive or call back to it. But when the same situation is coming to the Tollywood celebrities, they are handling it in a different way. This is the latest update arriving from our sources in filmnagar.

Whenever a new number is displaying on their mobile screens, the film celebrities are not lifting the call. They are doing this out of fear that it could be drug peddlers. Currently, Tollywood is shaking with the spate of arrests that took place on the account of drug possession and trading.

Sometimes, few celebs call back thinking someone must have called for a genuine reason. But by doing something like this they can be trapped.  The drug peddlers are trying to ensure they get few celebrity numbers on their call list just to ensure even they come into the net.

This is a ploy to ensure they can come out of the case because celebrities will not be framed that easily and it is hard to prove what actually the conversation was. So, the celebrities are now fixed in their mind that by avoiding new numbers, a lot of trouble can be avoided. Better be safe than be sorry. 

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