
'Baahubali' MVs Multiplying Audience

By - July 30, 2015 - 09:53 AM IST

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So, after a month long hype and hoopla about the pre-release and post release, the magnum opus Baahubali is slowly settling down with its collections. But if you thought that the business is going to close soon then you are mistaken because suddenly there is an upsurge in the audience once again.

The reason for that is the latest set of videos being released by the team. Apparently, they are now releasing the making videos of different songs. The way it is made is tempting all to go to theaters once again and watch the film so that they feel more connected with the numbers and the making.

The film is already a super hit and audience is multiplying once again which is a good sign. On the other hand, the making videos are getting a lot of views on the Youtube and here again, you can expect a new record in the number of clicks. Well, looks like the Baahubali mania is here to stay a little longer than expected.

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