Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja scored a good hit last year in the form of Bengal Tiger directed by Sampath Nandi. The film perfectly suited the actor’s mass appeal and image among his fans. But after that film, he took long break to accept another film which led to much worry among his fans.
However, he cleared the confusion by giving nod for Sardaar Gabbar Singh’s director Bobby for an upcoming film. Incidentally, Ravi Teja already worked with Bobby for Power which was a decent hit. This upcoming project was supposed to hit the sets soon but alas! The film has been shelved leading to much disappointment.
The main reason behind the shelving is Ravi Teja’s high demand for remuneration. The producers of the film backed off unable to reach the hero’s expectations! Ravi Teja’s fans will have to wait to know more about this shocking update and which film would grace the hero next.