Akkineni Nagarjuna is very busy with his upcoming project Manmadhudu-2, which is being directed by actor turned director Rahul Ravindran. Though it is his second project as director, Rahul Ravindran is canning the film with super speed. The actual credit goes to King nag only, one of the close sources to the film Manmadhudu-2 opined.
Why Nagarjuna is doing the film Manmadhudu-2 with high speed? Many are expressing their doubts like this. The real reason behind the speed is, Nag wants to complete the film as early as possible and after he is going to concentrate on his next.
It is known that Nagarjuna’s next will be in the direction of Kalyan Krishna Kurasala, who earlier directed Soggade Chinni Nayana with Nag is getting ready to make a sequel for it. Nag and Kalyan Krishna have already finalized the script and title for this project. The title is Bangarraju and Nag to share the screen with his son Naga Chaitanya.
However, there is no confirmation about Manmadhudu-2 release date as of now. But, as per the latest gossips, it is learned that Nag is targeting August month for releasing Manmadhudu-2.