Superstar Mahesh Babu has confirmed his collaboration with SS Rajamouli recently. After Rajamouli announced that his next film will be with Mahesh Babu, after RRR, reports came out that it will be a detective thriller. In a recent fan interaction, Mahesh Babu has also confirmed that he is eagerly waiting to work with Rajamouli.
But, the latest media reports reveal that the project in their combination might see a delay. Since the lockdown restrictions are still in existence, Rajamouli might take time to finish RRR. Even the film's shoot is over, he will not release the film soon after the theatres get re-opened. RRR is a pan-India film and it will release only when things are normal in the entire country.
By that time, Mahesh will wrap up the film Sarkaaru Vaari Paata. Even after RRR, Rajamouli will take some time off and then he will work on the script for one last time. So, Mahesh might do another film in this gap, say the sources.
Mahesh promised another film with AK Entertainments and it might get announced by the time Mahesh wraps up Sarkaru Vaari Paata.