
Master Views Count - Amazon Prime Video responds

By - February 02, 2021 - 12:00 PM IST

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Master is one of the new movies that hit the Amazon Prime streaming platform. The film is available in all four languages. There are rumors regarding the view count of the film and when fans approached Amazon Prime Video, the platform confirmed that they can't share the information. When a fan asked, "#Master views in 24hrs?",


Amazon Prime Video responded saying, "We can't share that info. Sorry about that." When another fan asked, "No one can get details about Views count, right? so the news circulating about Tamil movies' views like #SooraraiPottru are Fake?" and Amazon replied, "The resolution provided to you is the best we could offer at this point in time, and we wouldn't be able to provide any additional information apart from what was already provided. Appreciate your understanding."


With this, it is clear that the view count in circulation is fake and Amazon Prime Video will never give out the view count to the public.

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