
Bigg Boss Episode 46 Highlights

By - October 21, 2021 - 10:00 AM IST

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Bigg Boss asked Viswa to compete with another housemate in a task and if he wins, he can get 5 eggs. Viswa picked Kajal. The person to wear more clothes will be the winner. Viswa won and gets 5 eggs.


Bigg Boss gives a secret task to Jessie and he has to make zero as the egg count of 3 housemates. Bigg Boss also offered him to take someone's help. Jessie takes the help of Siri. The duo somehow convinces Shannu, Priya, and Priyanka to give their eggs.


Priya tries to steal from Sunny's basket. Sunny rushed towards her to protect his basket and threws her way. Priya lashed out at Sunny.


Priya warned that she will slap him if he gets physical again. Sunny also argues and shouts at her not to say rude things. Maanas tried to stop Sunny.


Kajal tried to support Sunny and Priya provoked Kajal as well. Kajal gets hurt and cried.


Priya tried to take Sunny's basket again but Maanas stops her. Priya however provokes Sunny saying that he is not playing individual game and is just taking others' help.


Siri also comes and tries to steal from Sunny. But Sunny screamed at Siri to stop.


Jessie and Sunny get into a heated argument. Siri intervenes and Sunny lashed out at him as well.


Bigg Boss claims that Sreeram can get 5 eggs by winning a task. Sreeram picked Anne and the latter won.

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