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Veteran director Bheeram Mastan Rao passes away

Renowned director and producer of yesteryears, Bheeram Mastan Rao passed away in Chennai this morning (28th January). He was 69 and had been severely ailing since some time when he breathed his last at Bharati Raja hospital, Chennai. Mastan Rao was born in Guntur on 30th October 1944.

Bheeram Mastan Rao was noted for making great Telugu movies like - Prema Simhasanam starring NTR and Manjula, Bhurripalem Bullodu starring Krishna and Sridevi, Gayyali Gangamma and Railway Kooli. The veteran was credited for giving a first commercial break to Sridevi with Bhurripalem Bullodu.

IQlikMovies expresses deep condolences to the bereaved family and may his soul rest in peace.

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