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Only one screen to enjoy Interstellar!

After coming up with some path-breaking cult blockbusters like The Dark Knight and The Inception, the visionary filmmaker Christopher Nolan is back and this time he has chosen something beyond earth and its galaxies. We are talking about his new movie Interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathway in the lead.

The film has released worldwide and critics in Hollywood have given their verdict. They are stating that the movie has got literally three stories in it and transports you to a world you cannot imagine. But despite the science and extra-terrestrial intelligence, Nolan has stuck to the basic emotion of human relationships and their feelings.

While some concepts prove to be bouncers for the average audience, it is the father-daughter relation that has been etched to squeeze the hearts. Overall, the film is getting many stars for its making and taking along with emotional quotient while some brickbats are falling for its overstuffed and somewhat half-baked science fiction ideas.

But this project is touted to be a well-researched film made has been under the supervision of renowned Theoritical Physicist Kip Throne. And to enjoy this visual marvel, currently Prasads IMAX (Hyderabad) is the only fully equipped IMAX screen in entire India, according to experts. The film is releasing on the 7th of November in India.

So movie buffs…your destination is clear...book your tickets to Hyderabad…Now!  

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