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Shankar Hurts Hijras

I movie will be a memorable film for Maverick director Shankar. Despite the mixed talk and collections, the film is only going to gift Shankar new headaches.

According to Chennai sources, the portrayal of the character ‘Osmin Jasmine’ in the film has reportedly hurt the sentiments of Transgenders (Hijra) in Chennai. As per the latest reports, various Transgender communities in Chennai are going to lodge a complaint against Shankar (and I movie) at the Commisionerate and also stage a protest outside Shankar’s residence in Chennai.

For those who haven’t watched I movie yet, ‘Osmin Jasmine’ in the film is a transgender and a famous stylist who falls in love with the hero. The scenes between this character and the hero have turned objectionable for the Transgender community.

Well, Shankar is known to be a filmmaker with sensibilities. Let’s wait and see how he reacts to these allegations!  

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