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Adult Films Fetch Easy Money?

These days, when you make a film, recovering its investment and making cost itself has become a Herculean task. Added to that, if making a small budget movie puts you through so much of hardship, getting theatres to your film has become a miserable experience.

Given this tough situation, a new idea is being discussed. This is about making short films with adult content and putting them in Youtube. Well, if these adult movies are uploaded in Youtube, the response and hits are creating a lot of revenue.

Anyhow the movie is made just for ten minutes and in that way, at least twenty movies can be made and uploaded in your own channel. Already, there are those earning revenue using this model. Though some call it cheap content they are not feeling bad about it because they are making money. We have to wait for the day when films can be watched online by paying money and it is not sure when it will come because people are used to watching it free of cost over the web.

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