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Power Of Family Touch

A general perception for many of us is that if a film appeals to the youth audience or the masses then it would become a big hit. But there is another powerful section of audience which has the power to convert even a below average movie into a blockbuster. We are talking about the family audience.

The best example for that is the recent release S/o Satyamurthy. When the film released, it got mixed reviews from critics and many felt it was way below the caliber of director Trivikram Srinivas in terms of content and plot. Despite the starting trouble, the film has now touched approximately Rs 50 crores.

The main reason for that is, this is a family story and Trivikram has got that strong brand image of a perfect family director. Given the situation in which the film was received, this is indeed a great feat. The cine pundits say the film now requires few more crores to get into the hit zone and it would happen now, thanks to the family audience.

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