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Story Writers! Spend Rs 100 Before Fighting

You may have noticed this quite frequently these days and it is becoming an annoyance of sorts. Once a film is announced, some are creating a ruckus saying it is their story in front of media. The media is also encouraging them because the bigger the issue becomes they will get higher TRP out of it.

Looking at all this, many cine seniors are giving a simple yet effective advice. They say “When someone has got a story and if it is about to be narrated then the writer can go ahead and pay Rs 100 and register it at Telugu film writers association. It will go on record along with date.”

They add “At times like this, they can produce it and everything will be clear and legal. But all of a sudden coming out of the blue and claiming it is their story is absolutely baseless. They don’t spend even Rs 100 and now they create trouble.”  It is heard that the maximum a writer has to pay is Rs 1200 because the fee is based on the number of pages being registered at the association. Let us wish the aspiring writers follow this small rule and keep things smooth.

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