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Ravi Teja's Heroine On Dog Meat

When you think of meat you can think of chicken, mutton, pork, beef and to some extent some delicacy bird meat. But if you go to China, they are capable of eating almost anything except human beings. If you are born a dog in India then you should consider yourself lucky because that’s not the case in China.

Every year, the province of Yulin in Guangxi Zhuang is witness to the most barbaric and inhumane festivities. Known as the Yulin Dog Meat festival, it is here that thousands of dogs are mercilessly killed and that too in the most sadistic manner to add more flavor to the festivities. Later, these dogs are eaten at home or on the street.

Now, one heroine is voicing her protest against it. She is none other than Seiya Gautham and she is called as Ravi Teja’s heroine because all remember her for the movie Neninthe. Seiya has urged one and all to sign the online petition to stop the Yulin Dog Meat festival and she has put it up on her social networking profile. Come forward and support this pretty girl everyone!

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