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Most Frequent Tweeter Among Film Celebs

As you become a film celebrity it is important for you to maintain a certain level of visibility quotient. And with the social media making a dominating presence in daily lives, it has become the best platform for many celebrities to make some noise and create some buzz.

Notable among them is the Twitter site and you are well aware that almost every personality from the film industry has got a twitter account. They tend to share details about their next set of projects, their endorsement deals or some formal messages. But here is the most frequented tweeter among the film celebs.

She is none other than Khushbu Sundar. At an average, she will come up with nearly 20 tweets per day. She keeps giving live updates as if it is her brain’s live telecast. Some find it overflowing and unwanted info but since she is a celeb, whatever she does it works and followers increase.

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