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AR Rahman's Answer To Fatwa

To those of you who are not aware Fatwa happens to be a ruling given based on a point of Islamic Law and this ruling is given by a recognized authority. In the last few decades, we have seen how many noted personalities became targets of Fatwa and the reasons could be quite diverse and interesting.

The latest in that list is the Mozart of Madras, A R Rahman. Apparently, Rahman is composing music for an Iranian film ‘Muhammad: Messenger Of God’ and this is being helmed by the iconic Iranian moviemaker Majid Majidi. This has rubbed a Mumbai based Islamic entity and they have issued Fatwa against Rahman calling the act unholy.

However, the music wizard did not display his usual silence but came up with a very sensible answer on his Facebook platform. This is what he has to say in his own words:

"This letter is for all those people who have been aware of the recent events concerning me. I am not a scholar of Islam. I follow the middle path and am part traditionalist and part rationalist.

I live in the Western and Eastern worlds and try to love all people for what they are without judging them. I didn’t direct or produce the movie “Muhammad (PBUH), Messenger of God”, I just did the music. My spiritual experiences of working on the film are very personal and I would prefer not to share these. Mr. Noori, a member of the Raza Academy has said in an interview featured in “The Bayside Journal” why he believes it is important to voice a complaint.

Mr. Noori, “See, as Muslims we have to do something about it since it is against our religion so that tomorrow, if and when, we face Allah, He doesn’t say that you didn’t do anything to stop this from happening. So we have to try.”

My decision to compose the music for this film was made in good faith and with no intention of causing offence. In fact the decision was based on a similar point of view as expressed my Mr. Noori. What and if I had the good fortune of facing Allah (Sbt) and He were to ask me on Judgment Day: “I gave you faith, talent, money, fame and health… why did you not do music for my Beloved Muhammad (sals) film? A film whose intention is to unite humanity, clear misconceptions and spread my message that life is about kindness, about uplifting the poor and living in the service of humanity and not mercilessly killing innocents in my name.”

Today there is a blur between the real world and the virtual world and I have been taken aback to see that for some years now, unethical, unacceptable and unkind remarks are made online concerning the Holy Prophet. These abhorrent comments are no doubt due to a lack of understanding. I have always felt that we must counter this reaction with love and kindness and through the audio visual media reach out to people who wish to broaden their understanding.

We are indeed fortunate and blessed to live in a country like India where religious freedom is practiced and where the aim of all communities is to live in peace and harmony sans confusion and violence. Let us set a precedent in clearing conflict with grace and dignity and not trigger violence in words or actions. Let us pray for forgiveness and from our hearts bless those who suffer in the world and bless the country that we live in. To so pray is to reflect the noble and enlightened nature of our Beloved Muhammad (PBUH)".


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