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Qualifications To Be A Director In TFI

There are many among you who aspire to become a filmmaker in the Tollywood circuit and each day, many would be attempting to get that ‘one chance’. But there are certain set of qualifications required to be a part of TFI and here are a few for your reference. Usually, becoming an Assistant Director is the first step. 
Firstly, you need to ask yourself why you want to become an AD. If you seek to learn by taking the post of AD, there is not much to learn because there will be no teacher. Some of you may think you will make contacts to get producers. That is not going to happen. Truth is, most new producers prefer short filmmakers over ADs from TFI. So, the only valid reason left is "observe and learn".
If you believe in that you are on right track. From your end, you need to have either self taught cinema yourself or passed out from a film school. Of course, you can understand film making in the midst of chaos by being on the sets. To those who want recommendations, remember this truth.
Most of the directors have their own struggle and path to get a chance and they do so with a group. That close group eventually becomes the core group. So, joining a promising director is the best method to start your journey. Another way is to become a writer or writing assistant or editing assistant. This is in lot of demand. Make a note!

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