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'Secret' Getting Dubbed Into 8 Languages

As a filmmaker, when is the time you really decide to take your film to other languages apart from the language you have made? When you are super confident it has got that material to appease the non-local audience. As part of that, you tend to see movies being released as bilinguals and trilinguals.

But here is one movie which is all set to be dubbed into eight languages. We are talking about the movie Affair and the man behind this ambitious move is its hero and producer Sachiin Joshi. He is a multi-millionaire and is also called as the Gutkha baron. Sources say the film has come out very well.

Hence, Sachiin is confident that the film needs to find maximum reach. As a result, he is getting it dubbed into 8 languages and release it in a big way. The local languages are Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Bengali along with two foreign languages. The film is scheduled to release in December.

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