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Tom Hanks To Shock Seeing Akhil

It is already known that the sensational director V V Vinayak mentioned about one plane crash scene yesterday which would be a highlight scene in his new movie Akhil. Prior to his revelation, there were few discussions happening about this among the cine circles and some intellectuals.

Now, another update has come. Inside news reveals what Vinayak has said is actually very true and the scene came with so high voltage that even Hollywood star Tom Hanks would also be shocked if he sees it. In case you are wondering why Tom Hanks has to be shocked, here is the reason.

Tom did a movie by name Cast Away and in that there is a plane crash scene. It was conceived so brilliantly that the Hollywood intellectuals cause it one of the best plane crash sequences ever made in film history. Well, if Akhil can mesmerize Tom Hanks then you can imagine the impact it will cause in Telugu theatres.

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