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Madhura Sreedhar Adopts An Orphan Boy

Some stories sound dramatic and some incidents appear coincidental. But some decisions melt the hearts. ‎Film maker Madhura Sreedhar was on a tour to Mahbubnagar yesterday. He reached a small hamlet called Wanaparthy and stopped his car to get down for some tea. Suddenly a 2 and half year old boy approached him and caught his hand. 
The boy asked, "Did you bring something for me to eat? Can I get into your car"?
Madhura Sreedhar explaining about this incident shared with iQlik, "I was speechless for a moment looking at this cute kid. I inquired a‎bout him from the people around and understood he was a Dalit orphan. He lost his mother and his father left him. He is living with his maternal uncle, a coolie. I don't know who the kid is. He caught me as if he knows me. I felt Lord Shiva sent him to me. I decided to adopt him to take care of his entire future. I clicked a pic of him and sent to my wife and children sharing them my decision. They all felt very happy and asked when I am brining him to Hyderabad. So far he had only one family, his uncle's. Now he has chosen mine as well".
This is indeed a touching incident for iQlikmovies to share with its readers on the occasion of Shiva Ratri.

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