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Distributors Counter Attack On Puri

It is a well known fact that hard hitting director Puri Jagannadh alleged that three distributors  tried to assault him. But now, one of the distributors Abhishek Nama said that nothing of that sort happened. He also said that Puri’s residence and office has high security and even if they attacked, it would have been recorded in surveillance cameras.

Abhishek Nama was the one who got the Nizam rights for Puri’s earlier flick Loafer which unfortunately didn’t do well at the Box Office. This fact was alleged by Loafer’s producer C.Kalyan as well. He even said that he should have asked Puri to clear the losses but he didn’t.

In the mean while, Puri is apparently in Bangkok working for his next film shooting. We will have to wait and see how this peculiar case turns up!
ALSO READ : Puri Complaint on Distributors

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