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Film Stars Afraid Of PRIVACY Than PIRACY

By being part of the film fraternity you would acknowledge and state that piracy is the biggest menace and it causes a lot of losses to the growth. Many a times, you see film actors and actresses urging through media not to encourage piracy and watch movies in theatres.

While piracy is indeed an issue, the film stars are now getting afraid of something else, it is privacy. There was a time when big stars used to go to foreign countries and walk the streets in peace without getting noticed or mobbed.

But now, even that privilege has become tough. Telugus are there across every part of the globe and it is becoming hard to escape their eyes. Recently, the powerhouse performer Prakash Raj was snapped babysitting in Dubai. As it is, he is famous across entire south so you can imagine his situation. That way, privacy is no longer there for celebs.

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