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Nani's Next Is 'Mr Devadas'?

First impression is the best impression and it is much needed for every film to become successful at the box office. The first step in that is having a catchy title and many directors break their heads to come up with something like that. In this aspect, reusing old titles has begun.

It is obvious that some element of nostalgia comes when you see the old titles but here is an interesting one. Natural star Nani is currently riding high with the success of his recent release Nenu Local and he is already preparing to commence his next.

According to one scoop, it is heard that the title is already being considered and the film would be called as Mr Devadas. Nani would be pairing up with the stunning beauty Nivetha Thomas. The duo has paired earlier for the movie Gentleman. Let us wait for the official announcement on the title though.

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