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Famous PRO Enters Distribution!

As much risk as there is being a producer the bigger risk lies with the distributors who actually bring the cinema to the theatres. In many instances, the producers make their money and recover their investment but ultimately it is the distributor who is in danger zone.

It takes strong business acumen and proper grip over understanding the pulse of the audience and film which makes a successful distributor. One famous PRO who has mastered this art has now entered distribution. He is none other than Ravi Panasa.

Reports reveal Ravi Panasa has bought the Nizam rights for the movie Nakshatram helmed by the creative genius Krishna Vamsi. Ravi would be distributing it on his new banner Ravi Panasa Film Corporation (RPFC). Already, there are established players like Nama Abhishek, Dil Raju, Sudhakar Reddy famous as Nizam distributors. Now, Ravi has joined that club. Here’s wishing him the best of success.

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