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RGV Announces The Title 'Lakshmi's NTR'

For many years you have known the eccentric genius Ram Gopal Varma as a trendsetting filmmaker who is also an inspiration to many aspiring filmmakers. But in the recent past you have remembered RGV for his sensational social media statements followed by his sudden film announcements.

Recently RGV announced he would be doing the biopic of the great N T Rama Rao but then the project didn’t materialize. However, it appears that RGV has decided to take things in his own hand and he has come up with his fresh announcement through his Facebook. The message goes like this -

‘The title for the film, I feel which will be most congruous and also utmost felicitous is LAKSHMI's NTR.  The film LAKSHMI's NTR will make naked and expose all the real truths behind the true lies of those who punched in his stomach and stabbed his back. "LAKSHMI's NTR" will be the true story of the real actual total truth behind what actually really happened in NTR's life especially towards the end.’' There you have it folks, so let us wait to see how the reactions from the film industry and the Nandamuri camp would be. 
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