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BO Report: Not Encouraging

You know the hustle bustle that keeps going around when movies keep arriving every Friday. While the moods are high ultimately it is the figures that matter and the reality strikes by the time the weekend arrives. It is the time when the box office comes up with its official report.

This week the box office report is not that stimulating. Reports from various centers have announced that Vunnadi Okate Zindagi featuring energetic star Ram has bombed. Many are saying too many dragged sequences in the second half has spoiled the entire flavor of the movie.

On the other hand, Raju Gaari Gadhi 2 which had strong power has also failed to make it to the success zone. As for Raja The Great it has managed to do well in few centers but there are still few areas where profits are yet to be made. Overall, after Mahanubhavudu nothing has really worked.
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