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Audio Companies In Doldrums

The rapid transition happening in various businesses is opening up new avenues and closing the conventional ones. In the entertainment industry, the audio companies are seeing their last. As it is, the CD culture is gone and they are no longer found in the market. All are waiting for the jukebox and listening in Youtube free of cost.

Earlier Youtube used to give money for original content but today 1 lakh views are not getting even one thousand rupees. Given that, the audio companies are in doldrums and even in other platforms the recoverability is not to be seen. The glory days are over and it is no surprise that in due course audio companies will become extinct.

To take it a step further, songs are becoming only promotional tools to grab attention. You have already seen how the audio functions are reducing day by day and pre-release events are happening frequently. Bottom line is, there is no separate income from audio so those who are into audio company business are packing their bags.

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