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Charan's Performance Stamina vs Financial Stamina

There is no doubt that the entire cinema industry hovers around success and whoever scores it, that person becomes the celebrity and hot property. Normally, the heroes are the first in that list but though success is a much needed parameter there comes a time when the real deal is also checked out. We are talking about the performance quotient.

Taking that as the parameter, discussions are now making rounds about mega powerstar Ram Charan and his new movie Rangasthalam. While many are speculating over how Charan should breach his established market stamina of 50 crores with this movie and go beyond it, there is another dimension to it.

More than his financial stamina at the box office, this is a test for Charan to prove his performance stamina. He can always do commercial potboilers and get the cash registers ringing but for the critics to know what pedigree he has as an actor ‘Rangasthalam’ will be the litmus test. Best of success to ‘Sound Engineer’ Chitti Babu!

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