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Senior Director In Financial Doldrums

The funny thing about encountering a member of the film fraternity is, you tend to feel a little uneasy given the stylish way they dress and look fresh. However, a closer look reveals what garbage they are carrying inside. There are many in the Telugu Film Industry who give a rich picture but are hollow from inside.

Now, one senior director is joining the list of paupers. He worked hard and kept doing movies, for a long time he didn’t get a chance to direct and slowly he entered into TV serial business. In that, his commercial angle was not working. He signed a document to the person who gave channel slots by trusting him.

That document has put the senior director in a very serious situation. The TV serial is in trouble and the senior director is expected to pay. As such, this is quite common in tinsel town but his well wishers are praying he comes out of it soon. But then, a TV serial gives promising income than cinema and if it works it would go on for three to four years, but it doesn’t happen always.


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