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Pimples: A New Glamour Element

There are certain parameters that are followed in the entertainment industry to define glamour and beauty. True to that, there are also certain elements which are considered to be a strict no. since time immemorial, pimples were like a taboo to girls and they used to struggle a lot to remove them. Even today, it is a nightmare for many.

If that is the case with normal girls, you can imagine how it would be for aspiring heroines. However, all that has taken a U-turn due to one girl. She is none other than the natural cutie Sai Pallavi. Ever since she got into tinsel town and began scoring back to back hits, the concept of heroines having pimples will not work has been wiped out.

That way, Sai Pallavi has boosted lot of confidence to the girls and they have started believing it is not a big minus and acceptance is not an issue. Heroines are now going out in public with pimples on and it has become more like a style statement. Of course, just because it worked for Sai Pallavi it doesn’t mean it would work for all.


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