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Bollywood Actor Rates Himself At Rs 1/-

The film industry is one inflated place wherein egos run high and even if something costs ten rupees, it is projected as one lakh rupees. Given that situation, you can imagine how high flying the established artistes would be. However, one senior actor ended up valuing himself at a mere one rupee only.

He is none other than the Bollywood veteran Alok Nath and reports from Mumbai reveal he has filed defamation case against the actress who has alleged ‘#MeToo’ on him. As such, some rate has to be given to the quote. If you quote 1 crore as defamation then ten percent you have to pay.

If the girl loses the case, the court will ask her to pay. And instead of paying, if she says she doesn’t have that kind of money you are stuck. If the lady says she has only lakh revenue then court will ask her to pay that one lakh only. Owing to all these financial intricacies, many don’t really come forward to file a case but instead Alok Nath is setting an example by valuing himself at one rupee. Bottomline, this is not for money but to defeat her.


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