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Rewind 2018: Gossips of the Year!

Gossips and speculations cannot be separated from the cinema and people associated with the cinema field. No actor in the industry would have escaped the gossip page and in the recent past, some star comedians are also part of the rumours. If you ignore the accuracy in such rumours, some of them eventually grew into 'talk of the town'. Like every year, many such rumours have popped out last year (2018) and led to big debates.

A gossip on an actress is a pretty common thing in the film industry. But, a few baseless speculations have seriously embarrassed an actress last year. A rumour about hottie Ileana's pregnancy created quite a lot of waves in the industry. The faux pas news has irked her fans. At the same time, Ileana was looking little chubby and she's sort of new projects, causing further confusion to her fans. Later, she offered clarity and denied the rumour.

From past few years, Anushka's marriage is the most discussed and debated subject in the film industry. It has become a regular gossip these days. Also, it's an old rumour that Prabhas will marry Anushka but every time, it is taking a new shape and making a big flash. In many instances, Prabhas himself cleared the air about this gossip, but it didn't stop. Another Baahubali actor Rana also is also not new to gossips. He's rumoured to be suffering from some serious health issues and few of them include "Rana is getting his kidney transplanted" and "Rana flies out of the country for medical treatment".

At the same time, the recent South sensation Sai Pallavi is one actress who's always in gossips. She was rumoured to have argued with Naga Shaurya while shooting for Kanam and similar news came out during 'Padi Padi Lecha Manasu' filming.

After Agnyathavaasi, Pawan Kalyan turned into a full-time politician and kept his focus completely on his party development activities. But, speculation was rife that he would feature in a film that's to be directed by Dolly, the filmmaker who collaborated with the actor turned politician for two projects previously. But, Pawan made it clear that he is not going to make a comeback into films.


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