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Pic Talk: Ravishing Radhika Apte

Radhika Apte of Rakha Charitra, Legend and Lion is known for bold acts and of course, she is popular with her bold statements on various issues. She did performance oriented roles as well as controversial roles in several films.

Especially Parched and Hunterr her name went viral in the controversial columns. On the other hand, she is popular for her bold photos and videos herself positing in her Twitter and Instagram pages. Above is one of her hottest photos and she is testing mercury levels in young hearts with the bikini pose. “Exposing perfect physique is an art and a model and actress I know it very well’ Radhika Apte has said in an interview about skin show and vulgarity.

“The vulgarity is based on the looks of others because everything looks like glamour if we see it with positive heart,” Radhika says.


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