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Sundeep Clarifies Rumours On Uday Kiran Biopic

Since the last couple of days, there have been a lot of rumors doing rounds that actor Sundeep Kishan, who is banking on the success of his latest flick Tenali Ramakrishna BA BL is going to do a biopic on Uday Kiran.

Uday Kiran is a successful actor at the beginning of his career, but due to some ups and downs in his career and had no films to do. Later he got married and even his married life was not so successful, and he ended up killing himself by hanging himself at his place.

These rumors were becoming viral and so, Sundeep thought to clarify. He said, “ I don’t know where these rumors come from. But I am not doing the film. No one has approached me to do it. So I don’t think people should believe that I am doing his biopic. If there’s anything like that, I will definitely announce it to the audiences myself.”

So it is clear that Sundeep is not doing the biopic. Also, he is busy with the second season of web series The Family Man which is an Amazon Original.


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