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Bigg Boss Episode 74 Highlights: Sunny Frustrated Again

The episode started with Sunny reading his power that he has to take half of the gold from one housemate and give it to another. Sunny took it from Siri and gave it to Maanas. Priyanka and Maanas participated in the captaincy contender task. Priyanka won and became the first captaincy contender this week. Kajal steals some gold from the gold mine in the night.


The next day started with the housemates dancing to 'Nee Illu Bangaram Kaanu' song. Ravi says to Siri that she and Shannu are taking each other very personally and it is not good. Sriram gets the power tool. Sreeram gives an offer to the housemates that he will give the power to the housemate who gives all his coins to them. Ravi accepted. The power is that they should return half of the gold to Bigg Boss but Ravi doesn't have anything to give.


Sunny and Siri have to participate in the task but as Siri said she cannot play the water task, Bigg Boss offered that anyone can play on behalf of her. Maanas played the task on behalf of Siri. The task is that they have to wear a T-shirt, swim in the pool and go to the other side of the pool and wear another T-shirt. Though Sunny wore more T-shirts, he wore some of them wrongly and Ravi didn't count them.


Sunny says that it is unfair and there is no label on those T-shirts for him to decide which is the right side. Sunny screamed at Kajal and Maanas saying that even his friends are also turning against him.

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