
Manchu Vishnu's Accident Details

By - July 31, 2017 - 10:52 AM IST

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You do watch the heroes doing all sorts of daredevil stunts on screen and while the riskiest ones are often done by the professional stuntmen, there are also times when such stunts are performed by the heroes themselves. However, the risk element increases in such situations.
Latest reports are now arriving that dynamic star Manchu Vishnu has been rushed to Intensive Care Unit as he suffered an accident during shooting. This is happening in Malaysia for his new movie and it is heard that Vishnu had a nasty fall from a speeding bike.
Sources say he has suffered injuries but the actual medical report is yet to come out. Vishnu is currently busy with two movies Voter and Achari America Yatra. For now, there is some concern in the Manchu compound but here’s wishing Vishnu a speedy recovery.

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