
People Attack Big Hero On SM

By - November 24, 2015 - 10:26 AM IST

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These days if you need to know about the true pulse of the people of India then the best platform is social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and others have become the best bet for citizens to express their opinions and also vent out their woes against a system or an individual.

Given the power of social media, even big celebrities are no exemption to a backlash when they say or do something wrong. This is something Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan is experiencing right now. Apparently, he came up with a statement regarding ‘Intolerance’ in an inappropriate manner.

He reportedly revealed how his wife wants to leave the country unable to take this heat about ‘Intolerance’. This has not gone well with the netizens and they are reminding Aamir of his program ‘Satyameva Jayathe’ and what he used to advocate and what he is doing now. They call it the perfect example of Hypocrisy. What say Aamir?

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