
Chinmayee's 'Social' Stunt?

By - January 21, 2019 - 06:30 PM IST

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Trolling is very common in social media. Memes are also very common in social media. While many are enjoying the memes, why only singer and dubbing artist Chinmayee responded about a meme, which was made not on her but on Priyanka Chopra and her husband Nick Jonas?

When Chinmayee revealed about harassment by Vairamuthu, a Tamil cine lyricist, many stood her side. With ‘MeToo’ hashtag Chinmaye fought very well and got appreciations for her dynamism. But this time, ‘Is it necessary to respond about Priya-Nick meme’ everyone questioning Chinmayee. She did only a publicity stunt with this, many are saying.

Whatever the intention may be Chinmayee’s recent episode dominates her earlier fight, many are expressing their view.

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