
Theatre Allotment Issue: Chiru & Balayya involved

By - December 20, 2022 - 12:56 PM IST

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Megastar Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna are fighting at the box office with their respective movies this Sankranthi. Interestingly, there is no clarity on who will get more theatres as Vijay's Varisu is also being prioritized by popular producer Dil Raju. He wants his film to have a big release.


With the involvement of Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna directly into the issue, the theatres are being alotted properly to both the Telugu films. Already, the senior heroes are upset with Dil Raju because he is prioritizing the dubbing film over the straight Telugu films.


We have to see if the final theatre allotment is favorable to the Telugu films or dubbing films.


Considering all the aspects, the Sankranthi race at the box office is going to be intense and let us hope that all the films become hits.

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