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Nithiin busy in Sister Nikitha's wedding!

Nikitha Reddy is just not popular as young hero Nithiin’s elder sister but indeed as a successful producer too. She is the woman behind Shresht Movies success and the biggest support system to emerging star Nithiin.

The siblings are actually handling one of the most prestigious projects in recent times i.e. the debut movie of Akhil Akkineni. But Nithiin has taken a brief hiatus and got busy in the wedding preparations of Nikhita.

Nikitha Reddy is happily getting married to Akhilesh on the 15th of this March in Hyderabad and celebrities from film, sports and political fraternity are expected at the wedding. Keep watching the space for more exclusive updates.

iQlik Movies wishes the couple Nikitha and Akhilesh a Happy Married Life in advance.  

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