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Jayasudha's Sons As Hero And Villain

You will remember many heroines for glamour and sex appeal but their memories won’t last long because many such beauties keep refilling that space. However, you cannot forget those actresses who have created an impact with their performances. Notable among them are Shobhana, Revathi, Sujatha, Saritha and others.

Another name that is quite known in this circuit is Sahajanati Jayasudha. While she has given an extensive contribution to cinema industry, it is now time for her kids to make a splash. News is that her son Sreeyan is all set to make his debut as the hero with a new project. While that is one side, here is another byte.

Some are saying even Jayasudha’s other son Nihar is also ready and they feel he would be perfect as a villain because he is gigantic. Well, Nihar’s height is a whopping 6 feet 9 inches and he is equally broad shouldered with sharp looks. Given the experience Jayasudha has, maybe she can look at this angle then.

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