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Rana's Loud Shouts Resulted In Fatigue

What happens when you shout loud out of rage, anger or emotion? Your voice tends to go coarse and you end up feeling out of breath. But imagine something like that happening with the towering hunk Daggubati Rana. He does so many fights, he lifts so many weights and he doesn’t get tired at all despite hectic schedules.

But recently it is heard that he gave dubbing for his character in the magnum opus Rudramadevi 3D and it is heard that he suffered fatigue. He got exhausted because he had to scream a lot as part of the scenes and inside news is that the scenes of this Daggubati scion have come out very well.

Rana is essaying the role of Chalukya Veerabhadra in the movie and he also gets to romance the awesome beauty Anushka who is essaying the title role. Dubbing for high intensity roles and powerful dialogues is always a challenge but that’s something these actors prepare themselves for extensively.

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