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'Baahubali' English Version Title - 'Amazon'?

There is a lot of hype and hoopla surrounding the magnum opus Baahubali and each group is using its own formula to see how best they can derive something out of it. The latest on that front is the English version title of this movie. Well, it turns out that if Baahubali was to be literally named in English it would be Amazon.

Ideally, Baahubali means someone who has strong arms but when you try to do a Google translation, it comes as Amazon. This research was done by few avid cine buffs and they came up with this observation. The way things are proceeding Baahubali may get dubbed into English as well.

What remains to be seen is whether the director of this film S S Rajamouli would deploy this title. Logically, it may not be possible because of patent issues. For the moment, all eyes are on the lineup of posters which are releasing every other day and of course the main film.

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