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Heroine's Blood Donation Awareness

Among the many virtues and noble deeds that you can do as a human being, a great act is donating blood. Though many have their own apprehensions and blocks about it donating blood is indeed a healthy thing and definitely noble. Now, one heroine is doing her bit to create awareness about it.

She is none other than Aksha Pardasany and recently she had visited the Global Hospital based in Mumbai and donated blood. Not stopping at that, she has posted a picture of the certificate of appreciation she received from the hospital and urged all her fans and followers to repeat the act.

Usually heroines are considered very sensitive and they take utmost care about their body, health and look. Despite all those requirements, Aksha coming forward and doing such a thing is really commendable. Let us wish the other heroines also take a leaf out of her book and spread the word on blood donation.

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