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Chaganti's Live For Celebrities In USA

You live in times when subjects such as spirituality and Dharma are considered trash. At the same time, there are not enough scholars and wise men who can actually preach them in the right manner. This is the reason why one man is being considered as a messenger of God.

He is none other than Chaganti Koteswara Rao and his discourses have garnered a lot of attention and following in the last few years. The latest update is that recently he was invited to the upcoming TANA celebrations at Detroit but as per Sanathana dharma Chaganti will not cross a sea.

Hence he politely declined the offer but he has given an alternative. Instead of being in person at the TANA venue, Chaganti is expected to give a live discourse through the television to the guests and members of the event. This is going to be a memorable experience for everyone. 

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