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Hopes On Ram Charan For Pushkaraalu

Reading the headline might make you wonder if the mega powerstar Ram Charan is coming up with any movie around the Pushkaraalu time and hence the expectations. Well, it is not so. The expectation this time from Cherry is related to his new business venture considered to be quite ambitious.

Apparently, Trujet is the name of Ram Charan’s new airline services and it had grabbed a lot of attention. The latest update is that the trials are also successful and everything is ready for the operations to commence. Sources say if it is ready for operations during Pushkaraalu, nothing like it.

Many say it will be a lot of help to those planning to travel to Rajahmundry for taking part in the holy event and it would also give a superb opening for Charan’s business just like his new movie release. Let us wish Trujet will come in full fledged operations by July 14th and make all happy.

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