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Brown Rice Demand In Film Lunches

There is a general talk that makes rounds that when a lunch or dinner break is called in during shootings, it is nothing short of a feast for the lead cast and key members of the unit. Well, they are allowed to order the food of their choice and they make the most of it, is the belief.

But the reality is far from that. In the last few years, a lot of health consciousness has developed and so during the film shootings the demand for brown rice has risen. The filmnagar circles reveal many directors, heroes, important technicians are asking for brown rice and not the regular white rice.

As such, this is expensive than white rice but it is very good for health and holds better nutrient value. And to those who seek non vegetarian they prefer to have grilled fish which is considered very healthy and less oily. All in all, the brown rice factor is adding extra weight to the production budget.

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