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Secret Behind Rudramadevi Song

The magnum opus Rudramadevi has finally hit the screens after a marathon series of postponements and the response has been alright. While different observations are being made, the one strong question being raised is about a special spicy song featuring the sexy siren Hamsa Nandini.

The song which goes ‘Choosukovo teesukovo…’ featured Hamsa Nandini and famous rapper Baba Sehgal and its teaser caused quite a buzz prior to the film’s release. But then, it was not to be found in the movie. Many, especially the masses and youth, were looking forward to it but in vain.

On some enquiry, some information has come out. It is heard that the song was very much in the agenda but in order to get a clean U certificate that song had to be removed. Some of the cine pundits feel having that song would have helped because it would have attracted more commercial audience
ALSO READ : Rudramadevi 2nd Day Collections

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