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TRS Movie Business Formula

Among the many crafts of cinema, if you were to name the toughest then it is that of a producer because he is the one who puts his entire money and bears the brunt if the film doesn’t work. And then there are those producers who are hardcore and know how to make their money in this tough field.

One classic example for that is Tummalapalli Rama Satyanarayana and he has a very clear cut business formula. He approaches directors who make small budget movies and says something like “I don’t know how much budget you made your last movie with but what is the theatre collection.”

So, his formula is, based on the collection figure the director made, Tummalapalli will make a movie and that is his risk factor. He also has the ability to give any sort of film a decent number of theatres for release hence he is very happy with this approach. More than happy, he is safe with his investment.

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