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Producer Living In Triple Role

Just so that you know, the toughest and most thankless job in the cinema industry is that of a producer. He is the one who shells out all the money for a film and if the result is not positive, he is the one who bears the heat. So, it is important for a producer to have a tight grip over his job.

Given that situation, you cannot expect a producer to work on something else. But there is one producer who is living in a triple role. He is none other than Tummalapalli Rama Satyanarayana. He shot to fame in the recent past with his shoestring budget flicks and his proximity with Ram Gopal Varma.

While the producer thing is one profile, Tummalapalli has got two more. He also works as a PRO for certain projects and he is also a film critic. He keeps sharing news to all through whatsapp and uses the same platform to post mortem a film without any hesitation. He is truly an all rounder given his profile.

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